If you would like to support our team with a tax deductible donation or sponsorship, please click the button to the right. All transactions are processed through PayPal and are secure. We are a 501(c)3 organization.
Contributions to our Midway USA Endowment (Team ID # R13344) can also be made at https://www.midwayusafoundation.org/team-profile/?id=R13344
Thank You!
PLATINUM SPONSORS - Fryburg Sportsman’s Club, Clarion County Sportsmen for Youth, Sportsmen’s Outfitters, Pheasant’s Forever
SILVER SPONSORS - Knights Of Columbus Council 11387, VFW Post 1835, Friends of the NRA
BRONZE SPONSORS - American Legion Clarion Post 66, The Whiteman Family, Keith Miller
OLYMPIC SPONSORS - Serviceman’s Club of Knox, Charles Machine, Joe & Brenda Ewing, Paul Borthwick, John & Peg Sims